Daylight's Parament
Textile, Found Objects, Poetry
Vibrant color, texture, found objects, and words of blessing are stitched together to bring about a sense of connectivity and beauty.
Daylight's Parament is for sale.
Daylight's Parament is a piece created during the 2021 Artist Theologian Residency at Myers Park Baptist Church. It is a hand sewn textile piece that hangs on a drapery rod.
The fabric of your life is rich and vibrant
The strands knit you in,
tightly, behind and before
New fibers will be woven
Hair from a perm gone wrong
Fragments of unrequited love
Ribbon from a favorite dress
Some threads will loosen
Chords from a song, words lost
Relationships frayed
Dreams unraveled
Take your full shape
Reach to the fringes
Expand beyond this corner
Trace the material of yourself
Hold tightly to the truth
You are good
Hold loosely to the rest
