Cohort member, Lehuanani Ah Nee, leads us through an exercise. She facilitates with such rootedness and sincerity that in a matter of minutes many members of the group are tearing up. I felt gratitude, insight, and release. I want to protect Lehuanani’s work by choosing not to share all the steps of the exercise. She can do that on her terms. But, I want to share my inner journey: I am looking at a picture of artwork I have created. When I look at the piece, I recognize that the piece is a cry for deliverance, help, and acknowledgement. Lehua asks us to consider several questions. I realize that the process of creating, of making marks, of visually naming my sense of loss, pain, and healing is a way that I have come to deliver, help, and acknowledge myself. I (with Spirit) have provided the very thing I was looking for. I am grateful. I feel relieved. I feel a sense of power.
